SLR Consulting

Young-Road Crossing

E2M conducted a detailed ecological assessment on behalf of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) for the Youngs Cross Road Upgrade Project.

The assessment included a desktop review of Commonwealth, State and local matters of environmental significance mapped within the Study Area.

Field assessments included targeted threatened flora and fauna surveys, habitat suitability assessments, identification and delineation of marine plants and biosecurity assessments.

Field surveys identified remnant and regrowth vegetation and suitable habitat for five conservation significant fauna species within the Study Area. The Study Area also contained Queensland Department of Environment and Science (DES) mapped High Ecological Significance wetlands and biodiversity corridors in association with North Pine River.


E2M provided recommendations to mitigate impacts to vegetation communities, fauna, wetlands and waterways including:

  • a Vegetation Management Plan to be prepared for the site
  • the implementation of fauna movement solutions in accordance with the fauna sensitive road design manual to minimise potential impacts to fauna movement corridors
  • Implementation of fauna management practices, including assessment of hollow-bearing tees prior to clearing and use of a fauna spotter/catcher (that has koala spotter experience) throughout clearing works; and

Implementation of erosion and sediment control measures to minimise impacts to HES wetlands and watercourses.

Services Provided

Terrestrial Ecology

Project info


SLR Consulting


Young-Road Crossing





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